Attention all Mastermind Graduates

Continuing education and understanding is a key part of successful patient management.

In an advanced field such as Genetics and Methylation, the importance is magnified, so ensuring your knowledge is current is key to improving patient outcomes. 

Introducing the Mastermind PLUS program

Your personal invitation from Carolyn Ledowsky

The Mastermind Plus gives you continued insights into analysing a patient using a Genetic approach.  Using practical, group generated examples, Carolyn will demonstrate:

  • How to decide a first course of action, 

  • What strategies to implements in diagnosing patients, 

  • How to monitor the ongoing improvements in the patient,

  • What drives a change in treatment plan.


These patients are educated, and experienced self advocates.  Carolyn will provide methods in providing a strong diagnosis, with improved probability of good outcomes. 

Importantly, the recurring nature of the Mastermind PLUS meetings allows a regular ‘check-in’ with the members and their patients.  By tracking a patient's management over an extended period, not just in the first visit but well into the future, you’ll see Carolyn demonstrate what indicators she uses to adjust her treatment strategies.

Key components include:

  • How should you approach the initial consult

  • How to interpret and prioritise your patients previous medical test & reports

  • Triggers to indicate a change of treatment plan is required

  • Recognise when to be more aggressive in your treatment plan

  • How to manage unexpected outcomes.

One of the challenges in diagnosing patients with a long treatment history is the sheer weight of information they provide when they walk into your clinic.  We’ll use a variety of scenarios, based on actual patients, utlising blood tests, genetic testing, OAT, hormones, mycotoxin testing etc. We’ll be deciphering all this information and demonstrating how you can isolate a first course of action.

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Carolyn Round (1) (1)

The Mastermind PLUS Program is hosted by Carolyn Ledowsky

Known worldwide for her work in the area of Genetics and Methylation, Carolyn Ledowsky has trained, mentored and worked with thousands of practitioners to improve their patient outcomes, increase their patient waitlists, and expand their clinic.

Carolyn Ledowsky is the founder of MTHFR Support Australia. She is a naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist who has a Bachelor of Herbal Medicine, Bachelor of Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy and Diploma of Nutrition, also having studied courses in genetics at Duke University and The University of Maryland in the US.

This is a fortnightly group meeting online to go through patient cases. Members will have an opportunity to present a patient case, which will be evaluated by Carolyn and the group.

This will include blood tests, genetic testing, OAT, hormones, mycotoxin testing etc. As a group protocols for management will be formed, which will be distributed for all attendees to use within their own clinics. 

  • Recordings will be available allowing you to review the content on demand. 
  • A dedicated drive will give access to all the relevant files, background information and protocols.
  • All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance each month to go towards CPE points. 

Mastermind PLUS Program

Open to graduates of the Mastermind program, the Mastermind PLUS is an open learning format with practical cases being presented.  Developed based on feedback from attendees of the Mastermind group the Mastermind PLUS is designed to continue your education, as well as provide practical resources you can use in your clinic. 



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