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Optimise Folate & Minimise Miscarriage Risk

Watch our recent fertility webinar to find out more:



Take our Preconception Course to MINIMISE miscarriage risk and reduce failed IVF procedures, and take back your label of 'unexplained infertility'!




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Sessions




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Q&A Sessions

1x 90 minute 1:1 initial consultation with one of our MTHFR fertility experts.

2x 1 hour follow-up consultations

This course changed Kate's life - here's how

FACT: The MTHFR Gene Mutation Affects About 53% of The Population...  

And Here’s What You Should Do About It...

Dear aspiring parents,

I don't want you to make the same mistakes many couples have made by not addressing the MTHFR gene mutation until they have already spent years trying to conceive, or worse, had multiple miscarriages…

They spent years and tons of money trying everything under the sun just to get pregnant, only to be disappointed every single time…

They wonder why other people seem to get pregnant so easily, while they’re stuck in the endless cycle of trying to get pregnant…

They desperately want to get pregnant and have children but instead go down a track full of disappointment and despair.

If you can find yourself relating to this problem, understand this simple fact:

It’s not your fault. Never.

Let me explain why:

More than half of the total population is affected by the MTHFR gene mutation, a rarely-discussed gene mutation that secretly hampers your body’s ability to get and stay pregnant.

It’s no wonder many couples are having a hard time getting pregnant in a timely manner and without complications—because no one talks about the MTHFR gene.

Because you don’t know about it, you don’t have a clear explanation of why it’s so hard for you to get and stay pregnant.


Pregnancy-Ready Body 12 Week Program - Option 2



one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Sessions




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Q&A Sessions

1x 90 minute 1:1 initial consultation with one of our MTHFR fertility experts.

2x 1 hour follow-up consultations

The best answer most medical practitioners and doctors can tell you is that you have  ‘unexplained infertility’... 

...and it’s emotionally devastating.

You tried everything, including expensive IVF, to no avail...

You start to blame yourself and your partner...

You’re getting sick of the looks of pity from friends and relatives who have kids. Conversations suddenly became painfully awkward when the topic is about kids…

And you just want it to stop.

You don’t know where to seek help, you don't know who to turn to...  until today. 

Now that you know about the MTHFR gene mutation, you now know what needs to be done to give you a better chance to get pregnant safely and naturally as soon as possible:

The key thing you have to do is correctly address this tricky gene mutation!

Now, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution to addressing MTHFR, but at least you know the problem can be addressed.

Now, you know that there actually is a solution to getting and staying pregnant.

But what should you do?  Where do you start? 

After spending years helping countless aspiring parents conceive, I realised that the first step they should always take is making sure their body is ready for preconception.

You’ll need expert guidance and relevant information throughout the process of preparing your body for your baby.

That’s the reason why MTHFR Support built a program made to address the problems caused by the MTHFR gene mutation…

A program designed and collaborated on by fertility experts so you’ll have all the information and tools you need to get pregnant…

A program that will help you prepare your body to become the healthiest environment for your baby…

A program that will help you make your deepest wish to become a parent finally come true...



Discover MTHFR Support's preconception support program designed to make your body completely ready for pregnancy in just 12 weeks!

  • Tested and proven by countless women and couples who want to get pregnant. Despite previous miscarriages, failed IVFs or being diagnosed with unexplained infertility by doctors
  • Designed to help your body become ready. So you can get pregnant faster without resorting to IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).
  • Built to keep your pregnancy safe, healthy, and complication-free. You can finally stop worrying about your baby being at risk for cleft palate, spina bifida, autism, ADD/ADHD—effects of an unchecked MTHFR mutation
  • A tactical and systematic approach to pregnancy. End your fertility and pregnancy problems once and for all by using all the tools you need to address your MTHFR mutation and folate deficiency for good

Here’s What You’ll Get From Our 12 Week Preconception Course to Optimise Folate and Minimise Miscarriage Risk

A unique understanding of the correct form and amount of folate required.

Carolyn's years of experience will help guide you as to the correct form and dosage of folate that is correct for you. The MTHFR gene mutation may mean that you need to take much higher dosages of folate than you are currently taking. There is no other fertility specialist in the world with this knowledge specific to people with the MTHFR gene mutation.

Lifetime Access To The Pregnancy-Ready Body Plan

You’ll get access to The Pregnancy-Ready Body Plan: A carefully thought-out and considered preconception program designed to equip you with all the tools you need to prepare for pregnancy the best way possible in 12 weeks.

Preconception Course to Optimise Folate and Minimise Miscarriage Risk Workbooks

You’ll get a copy of Pregnancy-Ready Body Preconception Workbooks that will help you deeply understand and quickly implement the steps you need to take as listed on The Pregnancy-Ready Body Plan.

Blood Reference Sheets so you know what nutrients are out of range

You’ll receive a copy of Blood Reference Sheets so you’ll know exactly which of the key vitamins and nutrients required for pregnancy are out of balance.

Blood Test Referral sheets so you can get your own testing done

You don’t have to worry about scheduling a doctor’s appointment and waiting for your turn just to get a blood test referral, we’ll hand you a blood test referral so you can get the required blood test results as soon as possible.

Vitamins & Minerals Dosage Guide For Pregnancy and Specific dosage ranges of folate for your genetics

Get an in-depth explanation of key vitamins and minerals required for safe pregnancy and the exact dosage required to strike the right balance. Using the information you received from the Blood Reference Sheets, you can now adjust the right dosages of vitamins and nutrients accordingly.

Access to MTHFR Support Australia’s Active Community

Get access to MTHFR Support's fertility Facebook group where you can meet and interact with other individuals and couples who are currently struggling with getting and staying pregnant, as well as those who successfully overcame this huge obstacle.

Monthly Group Facebook Sessions

Join like-minded women who have gone through the same fertility issues and heartache, just like you. Women who understand the journey you're on and can share the ups and downs with.

Upgrade Option: 1:1 Consultations with our MTHFR Fertility Specialists

Get personalised advice, testing, and fertility plan with the support and guidance of one of our experienced genetics team.

TOTAL VALUE: $10,000+


Don’t worry, you do not have to pay $10,000 to join The Pregnancy-Ready Body 12-Week Preconception Course.

(Although dozens are willing to pay the actual price)

But if you think about it, paying that much to make your dream to become a parent come true sounds like a no brainer…

However, I’m here to help dedicated aspiring parents make their dreams turn into reality as soon as possible that’s why if you join the course today, you only have to pay:

JUST $997

Yes, I’m slashing it down to 1/10th the actual price.

But please consider that I can only take in 10 people for Option 2.

I want to give you the time and full attention you need to make your body ready for pregnancy as soon as possible, that’s why I’m limiting the number to 10.

That’s why if you’re eager to make your body ready for pregnancy as soon as possible, then you need to join the program now or you’ll end up waiting for months because slots tend to fill up as soon as they’re offered.

Join The Pregnancy-Ready Body 12-Week Preconception Course today and become one of MTHFR Support Australia’s long list of success stories!



one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Sessions




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Q&A Sessions

1x 90 minute 1:1 initial consultation with one of our MTHFR fertility experts.

2x 1 hour follow-up consultations


Rest Assured with our Money Back Guarantee

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, all you have to do is contact us in the first 10 days and we will give you a full refund!

What Others Are Saying About This Course


After seeing Carolyn for a short time and following the regime tailored to each of us, we felt happier than we ever had before with the methylation support... we call these our “happy tablets” as our base level of happiness was taken up a notch! My blood tests showed marked improvements in areas that I thought would never shift e.g. thyroid improved, inflammation lowered and my GP even commented that I have a “liver of a teenager”. So for me, I’m confident that I’ve been able to slow my biological clock right down.

Best of all, we naturally conceived very happy and healthy baby! Throughout my pregnancy I felt fully supported with tweaks to my supplement regime to support me and the growth of my baby. He was born full term and we experienced no common newborn ailments. I credit this to him having everything he needed and at the right time for him to grow. Carolyn is very compassionate and provided emotional support which helped me understand the impact of stress on our attempts to conceive and hold a healthy baby. This support has continued with assistance in breastfeeding by naturally encouraging milk supply and guidance around vaccinations.



Truly AMAZING just about sums it up really! After finally discovering that MTHFR was the main culprit for all of my ailments (I am Compound Heterozygous), thankfully I found Carolyn and her team.. Carolyn has been on the money every step of the way with my treatment plan. I have my memory back, I have my sleep restored, I have lost weight and I have knees, for the first time ever!

After 6 miscarriages, a lifetime of short term memory loss, brain fog, unreasonable weight gain, IBS, migraines, PMS just to name a few, I had just about given up and almost resigned myself to being fat, miserable and grumpy forever – although I wouldn’t remember initially!! I felt like Dory.

Am heading for 3 months down the track and I feel better than I have my entire life. I won’t lie, it has been hard work. Chocolate and Coffee went out the window for a while. I thought my life was over! But, after a few mini meltdowns in Woollies and the discovery of RAW chocolate and Goat Milk, I am pleased to say the coffee and chocolate have returned!

I have always been proud of myself for being pretty dynamic and dedicated, I can’t wait to see just how dynamic I will be now that I am repairing my health. My last miscarriage (my beautiful Ava Grace) was my epiphany. Ava showed me what was wrong and has been with me whilst I turn it around – for her.

Thank you Ava and thank you Carolyn xx


I’m so happy to tell you Amelia Florence Bates made her debut on 21/8 weighing 3.4kg and 52cm. She is perfectly happy and healthy. We are beyond delighted!!!! The birth went really well (vaginal) with no complications of stitches and I’m pretty much back to normal. 

A big thank you to you for your guidance and support. Our goal was a healthy baby and we have definitely achieved it so far. Looking forward to our next session with my little doll.

- Maria B.


At 42, I was very concerned about being able to get pregnant, especially with autoimmune and MTHFR issues in the mix. Allopathic fertility specialists gave me little hope, so I searched online for a natural approach and found Carolyn’s clinic.

After reviewing my case, Carolyn assured me that I still had a good chance of conceiving. I followed her preconception plan for 4 months and fell pregnant on the first try with a baby boy.

Carolyn’s expertise and support gave me the tools and confidence I needed for a successful pregnancy. I’d recommend her services to anyone struggling to conceive, or just wanting to prepare for a very healthy baby.

- Jayne, 43


I founded MTHFR Support Australia to address a huge problem:

There are little to no resources for people with the MTHFR gene mutation in Australia and the rest of the world…

...and it’s secretly making a lot of aspiring parents unhappy.


Carolyn Ledowsky

You see, The MTHFR gene mutation suppresses the body’s ability to create active folate.

Active folate plays a crucial role in a wide range of conditions, especially pregnancy.

I’ve seen a lot of people who are having a hard time getting pregnant, lose their babies, have multiple miscarriages, and children born with complications…

... and NOT ONE doctor even bothered to check these people for the MTHFR gene mutation.

It’s just plain wrong and it needs to stop!

This is the reason why I’m deeply passionate about getting the message out and informing the people who are trying to conceive because seeing couples through a healthy pregnancy brings me pure joy.

And that’s the reason why I designed The Pregnancy-Ready Body 12-Week Program along with other fertility experts so you can finally achieve what you’ve always dreamed about: Getting pregnant safely & naturally and becoming a proud parent of a healthy child.


If you’re sick and tired of the painful trial and errors of getting pregnant, then join this 12-week preconception course today!



one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Sessions




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Q&A Sessions

1x 90 minute 1:1 initial consultation with one of our MTHFR fertility experts.

2x 1 hour follow-up consultations

Meet The Special Guests Who Contributed To This Program


preconception-guest 2

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask us:

How long do I have access to the course?

After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like—across any and all devices you own.

How do I know if I have the MTHFR gene?

You can order the test from MTHFR Support Australia’s Online Store.

Do I still need this program even if I don’t have MTHFR?

If you don't have an MTHFR gene mutation, your folate levels may still be low due to lifestyle choices, diet, and stress. You still need to restore and improve folate levels to ensure your DNA is optimal and that all nutrients are at adequate levels to ensure you have the best chance to get pregnant.

If I have the MTHFR gene do I need to prepare for pregnancy a different way?

Yes, absolutely. You are more susceptible to having low folate levels and this is crucial to support the DNA and growth of your baby. You may also have more detoxification issues and therefore you need to make sure that you are supporting good liver function before you try and conceive.

What happens if I need more help after completing the course?

You can request an appointment with one of our MTHFR-dedicated practitioners at any time. The cost of this consultation will be from $250 for the initial appointment.


Rest Assured with our Money Back Guarantee

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, all you have to do is contact us in the first 10 days and we will give you a full refund!

Join this 12-week preconception course today!

An online program designed to make your body completely ready for pregnancy in just 12 weeks!
  • Tested and proven by countless women and couples who want to get pregnant despite previous miscarriages, failed IVFs or being diagnosed with unexplained infertility by doctors.
  • Designed to help your body become ready so you can get pregnant faster without resorting to IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART).
  • Built to keep your pregnancy safe, healthy, and complication-free. You can finally stop worrying about your baby being at risk for cleft palate, spina bifida, autism, ADD/ADHD - the effects of an unchecked MTHFR mutation.
  • A tactical and systematic approach to pregnancy. End your fertility and pregnancy problems once and for all by using all the tools you need to address your MTHFR mutation and folate deficiency for good.




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Sessions




one-time payment

12-Week Preconception Course

Monthly Facebook Group Q&A Sessions

1x 90 minute 1:1 initial consultation with one of our MTHFR fertility experts.

2x 1 hour follow-up consultations