N-Acetyl Cysteine: An Old Drug with New Tricks
In recent months the US FDA has taken N-acetylcysteine off the market. In Australia the TGA is looking to clarify its position on Nac, and whether it will continue to be available. As a treatment product, N-acetylcysteine has been available for over 50 years, so what has prompted this change?
Is Australia about to lose this powerful treatment product?
Commonly recommended as a replacement, does glutathione have the same impact as N-acetylcysteine?
Here are some of the best bits we covered:
Should N-acetylcysteine be a stand-alone product?
What N-acetylcysteine supports outside glutathione.
Neurological advantages of N-acetylcysteine.
How to prescribe for neurological conditions.
What are N-acetylcysteine’s mucolytic benefits?
Does N-acetylcysteine disrupt biofilms?
Impact on fertility.