IL-6 - The Major Alarm Bell and Other Inflammatory Cytokines

On Demand Video

IL-6 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that has been implicated in a number of age-related diseases, including PCOS, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disease, neuroblastoma, rheumatoid arthritis, hyperglycaemia, vitiligo, chronic inflammatory diseases and a worse response to COVID.

Are you seeing patients in clinic with these conditions? 

If so, you don’t want to miss this webinar on IL-6 - The Major Alarm Bell and Other Inflammatory Cytokines.

Please join Carolyn for the first of our smartDNA deep dive on inflammatory cytokines.

Here are the best bits we covered:

Walk away with a clear understanding of what the inflammatory cytokines do
Understand the implications of these SNP’s to you in prescribing and your patients' conditions
Walk away with a list of nutrients that reduce these inflammatory cytokines
Understand what environmental triggers increase IL-6, CRP and TNFa


IL-6 - The Major Alarm Bell