The low down on MTHFR and Methylation

So you have MTHFR…. What does that mean?

The word methylation is bandied around so much it’s confusing. So we are going to clarify what it is, why its important and how you can assess if its something you need to work on. The words over methylation and under methylation are used all the time, but what do they mean? Are they important and do they need re-defining. 

Join Carolyn for this deep dive into MTHFR and methylation so you can truly understand what it is and why its important.

In this webinar we will discuss the following:

  1. What is methylation?
  2. How do you know pathways are affected by a methylation deficiency
  3. What is MTHFR?
  4. How do you know if it’s causing you an issue?
  5. What signs and symptoms to look out for
  6. What testing can you do to understand if its causing you a problem
  7. What genes are important?
  8. What steps should you take to rectify it ?
The low down on MTHFR and Methylation